Claims Advocacy

Speaking on your behalf at every step of the process

It doesn’t matter if you have the lowest premium and best coverage without superior claims resolution. Our claims advocacy specialists are experts at handling unique, complex claims for a wide range of clients.

Sylvia Group assists each client throughout the claims submission process. As your partner, we’ll help you with every part of the journey, from evaluating disputed payments to achieving a prompt and equitable settlement. We’re committed to serving your best interests.

Beyond the claims process, we can help you control the frequency and severity of your claims. We begin this process with an overall analysis of your claims history, identifying each opportunity to mitigate losses. Further, we identify outstanding claim reserve activity and work with carriers to expedite the final resolution of each issue.

Report A Claim

To report a claim directly to your insurance company, please see the Insurance Company Claim Directory below.

You can also report a claim directly to our dedicated claims-reporting and management team – a bonus service many agencies do not offer. These professionals focus solely on handling claims, so they know how companies settle claims, how to negotiate or contest a surcharge, and how to advocate on your behalf.

Insurance Company Claim Directory

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